Ever wanted to impress a certain person with your culinary skills. I'm lucky my mother wanted me to be a chef so I know a quick fondue from my demi rou.
I've decided to give the cuisine challenged a little help with the aid of the only two tools that count, your Mac and a kitchen.
Rose's Recipes & Links
Beginners to intermediate budding chef's this site is for you. Massive links page [and I mean massive]. Roughly 500 recipes with updates every few days. Practical and helpful.
Broccoli homepage's
Don't ask how I found this site.
Cheese, cheese and more cheese.
If you like cheese then this is the definitive cheese site for you. Say C-h-e-e-s-e.
Cookbooks On/Line Recipe Database
If this site was a car it would be a Ferrari. A great site to start and finish on the subject of food/cooking. If you don't find what you want here give up. Crap layout but you can't knock the content it's A+.
Culinary World Tour
You can travel the world of delicious delights from your chair. Some very strange recipes, not for the faint hearted, but if you've plenty of toilet roll try cooking some of the hotter dishes. Within minutes of surfing to this site I was licking the monitor, I would have carried on if the dog had stopped staring at me.
Fatfree homepage's
I typed in the word 'fatfree' and well this was the result. A very good informative and well-researched site. If you're the healthy eater or enjoy regular exercise and want to spice up your diet this is the place to drop in on.
Garlic Page
Yup I even found a site for translivian tourists.
[It took ages to get the smell of garlic of my clothes after visiting these pages].
Good Cooking
Would you believe it there's a site called good cooking. I was totally amazed at this site. Not the best layout with some doggy links and it kept repeating pages in my browser. Apart from that bad start the content was again well researched and thought had gone in to many different factors with regards to diet and lifestyle.
Italian Food
Speaks for it's self really.
Nicely linked to Mama's Cookbook - http://www.eat.com/cookbook/index.html
Pasta Home Page
Like the cheese site, if you love pasta you'll love this.
Veggie Web
Let me know if you gain the heart to your man through his gut and guys let me know if you burn the house down.